Friday, September 4, 2020

M1 Finance - Weekly Deposit! (9/4/2020)

Best place to invest your money!  Look no further than M1 Finance.

This weeks stock purchases.

1. (KO) - Coca-Cola

$69.18 - Invested
$51.08 - Price Per. Share
1.35437 - # of shares

2. (PEP) - PepsiCo, Inc.

$146.88 - Invested
$139.12 - Price Per. Share
1.05577 - # of shares

3. (HD) - Home Depot, Inc

$158.67 - Invested
$275.40 - Price Per. Share
0.57615 - # of shares

4. (VZ) - Verizon

$64.43 - Invested
$60.80 - Price Per. Share
1.05972 - # of shares

5. (JNJ) - Johnson & Johnson

$227.75 - Invested
$150.16 - Price Per. Share
1.51672 - # of shares

6. (SO) - Southern Co.

$791.58 - Invested
$52.49 - Price Per. Share
15.08058 - # of shares

7. (MO) - Altria Group, Inc.

$130.07 - Invested
$43.71 - Price Per. Share
2.97553 - # of shares

8. (DUK) - Duke Energy Corp.

$502.03 - Invested
$80.93 - Price Per. Share
6.20335 - # of shares

9. (MCD) - McDonald's

$101.15 - Invested
$216.61 - Price Per. Share
0.46697 - # of shares

10. (T) - At&t

$152.95 - Invested
$29.70 - Price Per. Share
5.14995 - # of shares

11. (IBM) - International Business Machine

$34.89 - Invested
$124.34 - Price Per. Share
0.2806 - # of shares

12. (ABBV) - AbbVie, Inc.

$155.57 - Invested
$92.35 - Price Per. Share
1.68456 - # of shares

13. (JPM) - JP Morgan Chase & Co.

$313.98 - Invested
$103.45 - Price Per. Share
3.03508 - # of shares

14. (MMM) - 3M

$670.56 - Invested
$167.75 - Price Per. Share
3.99727 - # of shares

This weeks stock Sells.

1. (D) - Dominion Energy, Inc.

$1,292.75 - Sold
$78.96 - Price Per. Share
16.37382 - # of shares

2. (WM) - Waste Management, Inc.

$673.66 - Sold
$111.82 - Price Per. Share
6.0245 - # of shares

3. (O) - Realty Income Corp.

$1,322.24 - Invested
$64.47 - Price Per. Share
20.50993 - # of shares

(This Weeks Deposit is $231 + Sold Stocks Value $3,288.65)
Total Amount auto invested with this weeks dividends and rebalancing of stocks $3,519.69

Check out my current M1 Finance Pie!

This weeks annual income increase!

  1. $2.22   - (KO)
  2. $4.32   - (PEP)
  3. $3.13   - (HD)
  4. $2.61   - (VZ)
  5. $6.13   - (JNJ)
  6. $38.61 - (SO)
  7. $10.24 - (MO)
  8. $23.94 - (DUK)
  9. $2.33   - (MCD)
10. $10.71 - (T)
11. $1.83   - (IBM)
12. $7.95   - (ABBV)
13. $10.93 - (JPM)
14. $23.50 - (MMM)

Total $148.45

Income lost from Selling Stocks!

1. $40.93 - (D)
2. $13.13 - (WM)
3. $57.47 - (O)

Total $111.53

(Increase $145.45 - Sell $111.53 = This Week's Income Increase $33.92)


We are not financial advisors. The content on this website are for educational purposes only and merely cite our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won't experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!


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